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A visual presentation of information which includes variety of elements such as texts, charts, images, icons, and diagrams to give an easy-to-understand overview of a topic.

Here are infographics presenting the elements, structures, traditions, similarities, and differences of various kinds of literature around the world. 

Fretzie Pabatang.png

Submitted by Fretzie Jean C. Pabatang


Submitted by Alexa A. Abonete

These are infographics emphasizing the similarities and differences between two 21st century literary genres including its distinct elements, traditions, and structures. 

Ken Alvarez.png

Submitted by Ken Alvarez

Mary Abayato.png

Submitted by Mary Joanne B. Abayato

Clint Acosta.png

Submitted by Clint Josh Acosta

King Abila.png

Submitted by King Gerry M. Abila

Nicha Apao.png

Submitted by Nicha Jane Apao

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